AAD Assignment 2- Post 1, Concept development

So I've decided to do a project for GICHD ( https://www.gichd.org/ ). Trying to unify the messaging in mine/UXO awareness and small arms and light weapons safety in conflict zones. This is a complex project and I do not plan on solving it, just constructing a framework and providing some ideas. The main problem in the area is competing NGOs. They are often personality driven, everyone knows everyone else, and there are clashing personalities. That is the main reason things that there are no non-safety standards. GICHD has managed to push through safety standards for a lot of UXO work, but beyond that education is up to each NGO. Some do great work, some not so much, or just rely on what is at hand. Ideally education and awareness material would be localized and be accessible by illiterate (due to education or age) people. Using an image of a SE Asian child in Africa is somewhat unrelatable to the local population. Globalization is solving this problem, but it still exists. To star...