The one things I decided on with little analysis when this assignment was explained was I would use my Dulse Sheep Design branding from AAD I. I really liked what I had produced for that assignment and hope to make it going concern at some level. Details to be determined. I did a small update to my Behance profile at Christmas and was singularly uninspired by the experience, so even before Ian said that Behance shouldn't be used I had decided to switch. But to what? There were a lot of tools flying around, Canva, Wix, Wordpress, etc. With the exception of Canva they all seemed pretty CSS, or site specific process, heavy. I used Canva during the marketing course and it seemed like glorified powerpoint so that was out. I went to the source of all knowledge, Google, and searched for 'good portfolio site builder'. Lots of returns, but the /r/portfolio subreddit threw up some interesting results. There was a lot of illustrative, anime foc...