
Fototype Entry 1

 Composing pictures to blend text with the image is tricky. I started by brain storming concepts for the contents of book (image 1). Is it about people, places, things, etc? Concepts for layouts and spreads. Finally is there a unifying concept? During all of this, and keeping in mind the minimum of 20 photos, I settled on 24 photos in 24 hours in the Medicine Hat area. I wandered around with a notebook and pen and took pictures when I could. The locations for the images range from Medicine Hat to Redcliff to Basanno. Image 2 shows the initial brainstorming list of photos, followed by the first list of photos and times; this was superseded by the notebook. Getting the photos between 0700 and 2200 was easy(ish). I made a conscious effort to keep the notebook at hand and would divert my route when needed and if I had time; for the rush hour picture I just pulled over on my way to school and went up on the overpass.  I was opportunistic, and kept the project in mind when I was in areas tha

AAD Assignment 1, Part 3

 The third part of the project was finding examples of vernacular design in the community. This was pretty straightforward but required a lot of looking around. I found things on businesses, former businesses, architecture, and in repurposed everyday objects. I had to look beyond ad hoc items, to find local or regional items, like the gate latch. The latch is something used in the west, I've been across the country and that is not a common design, but variations are found everywhere on the prairies. Pool noodles are also surprisingly versatile, and the Flat's house has a special surprise.

AAD Assignment 1, Part 2

 Part two of the first Applied project was using metaphor to redesign bathroom signs in a specific area of the college that would be used by the population of that area. As a group project we first got together and pared down the areas we might want to do. That resulted in the Cafe, Sciences, Rattlers, Theater, and Humanities. We came up with different ideas for each and after some discussion decided that Humanities (Political Science) and Theater were the ones we wanted to execute. Some discussion about digital or physical production, and we decided on physical. Drawings ensued, more research on the subject matter, and then we gathered material. Assembly was the next class and went quickly. This was a fun project

AAD Assignment 1, Part 1

 For Applied Art and Design the first project is a three parter. All the parts focus on appropriate appropriation. The first part is about reworking an existing album or CD cover, either through pastiche or parody. My process, as documented in the photos below was deciding what aspects could be reworked, and then listing some potential covers. Some sprang to mind, some needed a bit of a reminder through searching, but they were all ones that left an idea in my head. Then some sketches and final selection of Ministry's Land of Rape and Honey. I mixed up by putting in Hutterite concepts, the band is now Colony, and the song titles are in German. Colours and layout were determined by selecting colours were mostly visible against the images used for the front and back. It didn't have to be completely readable, it is based around Ministry after all.  

The Great Revival

 So, I've changed a lot. I'm no longer in the military. I'm no longer in the public service. I'm no longer employed. I'm an art and design student at Medicine Hat College, and this blog will shift direction to documenting my work in Typography, and Applied Art and Design. Labels will be applied to differentiate the areas and also describe the posts. There may be pictures! Exciting. There will be still be ammo.  Proof: The CRV-7 rocket motor. 80k or so are being donated to Ukraine as Canada has stopped using them. Disposal is problematic as functioning a large quantity at once will contaminate an area with perchorlates. Better to spread it around. The solution to pollution is dilution.

Back amongst the trees

Hmm, Back in Canada. There's lots of trees. The Ottawa Valley isn't quite as nice as I remember it from my late teens. It's a nice place but I prefer Orkney. Australia is looking good. Bullet of the Post (seeing as I can't really call it Bullet of Day due to a dearth of posts. Linky


Over a year! No updates!! How can this be!!! Pretty easy, this blogging requires dedication, constant introspection (did I just make up a word), and witty commentary on daily events that will be of interest to all. Seems like a lot of hard work. No specific bullet for this post, just a really neat website in Spanish with good info and pictures of older cartridges.